Thinking of Joining a University? Need some professional advice? Britannia’s University Placement Services will assist you in finding the right university. You do not have to worry about hectic & lengthy Application Process, Documentation, Legal Immigration Process, Britannia will take care of all that for you.
Students willing to apply to Malaysian Colleges & Universities (Higher Learning Institutions) can now apply through Britannia Language Centre’s University Placements. We have partnered with the most prominent and top-notch Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions. All Higher Learning Institution offer Diploma, Degree, Masters and PhD courses. Furthermore, students can also choose their academic pathways to UK, Australia, Canada and US through our Higher Learning Institutions 3+1 / 2+1 Programs.
At the start of University Placement step, our students will be offered a few options from our partner Higher Learning Institutions. Everything from university standings, courses, fees, student numbers and all the important details will be put In Front of the student to make a solid decision on their future academic pathway.
Students will also be offered a visit to their prospect higher learning institution. Once the students have chosen their preferred University, Britannia will handle all the application process, so what do the students do? They sit back, relax, movies at the cinemas or travel while they wait for their admissions and visas to be ready at their University of choice.
Take this opportunity to make the right choice on your Academic Future. Talk to us today !!